The GLASSLINE Waterjet_Grinder was developed in 2018 to meet the demands of the new “hole-in-glass” products coming from the automotive sector, such as for the F150. The process had not previously been done. Glassline developed the fully automated line and it was a great success. The system was originally made for cutouts up to approx. 24 x 24″. Additional machines have been produced, for other more varied products. We also have a manually loaded machine, and can load/unload the machine via robot if this suits the Customer’s layout better than a servo shuttle.
The waterjet pump used is the well-respected KMT brand, so you can be sure of high quality parts and excellent service.
Additional options include automatic stoning of the grinding wheel, and garnet removal/filtration.
Please contact us with your part drawings and speci fications and we can design a system to suit your needs.