GLASSLINE produces an automatic edge deletion system for Low-E(soft coat), with a layout similar to a double edging machine. Two edges are deleted in parallel, and then in a subsequent machine the other two edges are deleted. The system includes two edge deletion machines with a 90 degree transfer(or rotator) between the two machines. Various configurations are available.
The edge deletion machine includes one ‘fixed’ deletion head, and one moveable deletion head attached to a servo driven carriage. The carriage is driven along an over-conveyor bridge via timing belt or gear. The head is automatically positioned relative to the width of the glass, either via hmi setting, or via line communication or measurement. Edge guide idler rollers are also fitted to the machine on both sides(one side moveable) for the purpose of roughly guiding the glass through the deletion machine. A roller conveyor transfers the glass through the deletion machine.
The deletion wheel, typically a ‘scotchbrite’ style of wheel, is directly driven via a special motor, and includes a dust collection guard. This wheel assembly is mounted to a pivoting bracket, actuated pneumatically for force adjustability as well as compliance for different thicknesses. This pivoting/wheel assembly is mounted to a vertical servo driven ballscrew axis which provides the automatic wheel wear compensation.