The gantry style waterjet cutting machine has a welded steel frame for rigidity and servo ballscrew driven X and Y axes for accuracy.  The gantry is designed to cantilever over the tank and allows for easy removal of the tank if ever necessary.  A Z axis actuator is included for precise positioning of the nozzle for thin to thick parts.  Maximum size of tank is approx. 60″ x 100″.   A DEMO KMT Streamline SLV-50 Plus 50hp-60kpsi pump is included.  Also includes a demo Feedline III cutting head, which can be upgraded to a Feedline V for optional price.  A bulk abrasive storage tank is also included.

Controls are new, and include a Motion control system, with HMI.

Automatic garnet abrasive suspension and removal system is OPTIONAL, and highly recommended to keep the tank as clean as possible.  Added to this option is the ability to raise and lower the water level so that the nozzle can be below water level for noise reduction as well as reduced garnet dust.



  • New Gantry Waterjet machine, X-Y-Z servo axes
  • DEMO KMT SLV-50 Pump, bulk storage and delivery system, Feedline III Head.
  • No spares, tools or consumables are included.   
  • $119,000  Ex-works  – excludes packing, freight, insurance, installation and startup assistance
  • Excludes Safety Features, such as fencing, and light curtains, which can be quoted on request.
  • Machine is currently not complete and therefore is not immediately available.  Lead time will depend on backlog when order is placed.
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